Email Preferences

SOTAHOST allows you to set Email Preferences for yourself, your Customers and Registrants of domain names Registered by your Customers.


If you are not using our billing system for collection of payments, you can switch off all the emails associated with the billing system.

To Set your Email Preferences

  1. Login to your Reseller Control Panel. See details

  2. In the menu, point to Settings and click Mail Preferences.

  3. Here you have the following options:

    • Mail Sent to You / your Customers (Anchor: optional): These links would present you with a list of emails sent by the system to you / your Customers. You can select which mails should be sent to you / your Customers and disable the remaining mails. From the drop-down Menu on the top of the page, you may set the Email Preferences for self / Customer to:

      • Send Mails to myself / my Customers based on my Custom Preferences: When this option is selected, you may set the preference to Yes or No for individual mails.

      • Send ALL mails below to myself / my Customers: This will ensure that all mails are sent by the system.

      • DO NOT send any of the below mails to myself / my Customers: This disables sending all mails to you / your Customers. Upon selecting this option, you don't have to individually set the preference to No for the mails individually.

      After making appropriate selections, you can save the changes by clicking the Submit Changes button.

      You may also directly enable / disable all emails sent to you / your Customers by using the toggle under the Mail Sent to You / your Customers section. Turning all emails OFF would disable the Mail Sent to You / your Customers link, as you have chosen to disable all mails that the system sends to you / your Customers.

    • Mails Sent to Registrants (Anchor: mandatory): These are the domain name Renewal Reminders and Expiry Notifications. As a Reseller, you can choose either one of the below type of emails that you wish to send to the Registrants:

      • Default System Emails: These are default system emails sent to the Customers and domain name Registrant Contact informing them about their Domain Registration Orders as well as any other Product / Service Orders, that are nearing their Expiry Date or that have expired. If you wish to enable this set of emails, click the Default System Emails link and confirm your selection by clicking the SAVE button.


        Default System Emails cannot be customized.

        You can view these emails by clicking the View button next to Renewal Reminder / Expired Domain Name Notification.


      • Compulsory Emails Only: These are customizable emails sent to the domain name Registrant Contact informing them about their Domain Registration Orders that are nearing their Expiry Date or that have expired.


        These emails are sent only for Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) Domain Registration Orders.

        If you wish to enable this set of emails, click the Compulsory Emails Only link and confirm your selection by clicking the SAVE button.

        These emails can be customized as mentioned below:

        • You may include a link to the domain management control panel and specify any login instructions in the email content.

        • You may include the below tags in the email:

          • : This tag indicates the domain name.

          • : This tag indicates the Expiry date for the domain name.

          • : This tag indicates the date on which the domain name will be deleted from the system.

          • : This tag indicates your Sales Signature.

        • If you choose to send the email(s) in a language other than English, an English version of the email will also be sent.

        • If you switch from Compulsory Emails Only to Default System Emails, any customization made by you in the compulsory emails would be lost.

        1. Click the Edit button next to Renewal Reminder / Expired Domain Name Notification.

        2. Customize the Subject and Body content of the email.

        3. You may also choose to send the email in a language of your choice. Select the preferred language from the Language drop-down menu.

        4. Click the Preview button for a preview of the email.

        5. Once the content is confirmed, click the Save button to submit the changes.

  • Disabling all system emails sent to your Customers is not recommended, unless you plan to send similar emails to your Customers outside the system.

  • There are certain compulsory emails which are sent by the system to you and your Customers, irrespective of the Mail Preferences set by you or your Customers:

    • Emails sent to you:

      • Emails related to Spam Complaints

      • Control Panel Password Retrieval / Modification / Expiry Emails

      • Sub-Reseller Sign-up related Emails

    • Emails sent to your Customers:

      • Emails related to Spam Complaints

      • .IN Domain Name Renewal Reminder Emails

      • .RU Domain Name Transfer-in Instruction Emails

    • Emails sent to the Registrant Contact of the domain name:

  • Your Customers can set their own preferences from within their respective Customer Control Panel through the Settings -> Mail Preferences menu.

    The system would check your as well as your Customer's preferences and send emails accordingly to your Customers:

    • If you have set the Mail Preference to No for a particular email, the option to set preference for this email would not be available to your Customers under their Control Panel. This email would never be sent to any of your Customers.

    • If you have set the Mail Preference to Yes and a Customer under you has also set the Mail Preference to Yes for that particular email, then the email would be delivered to this Customer.

    • If you have set the Mail Preference to Yes and a Customer under you has set the Mail Preference to No for that particular email, then the email would not be delivered to that Customer. Thus, in this circumstance the preference set by the Customer will override the preference set by you.

  • There are certain emails sent to you and your Customers which are not compulsory emails. However, these emails can not be enabled / disabled from the Email Preferences for self / customer section.

    To have these enabled / disabled, you need to enable/disable all emails sent to you / your Customers by using the toggle under the Mail Sent to You / your Customers section in the Email Settings page:

    • Emails sent to you:

      • Payment related Emails

      • Payment Gateways related Emails

      • Refund Request related Emails

      • Bulk Action related Emails

      • Product Addition / Modification / Renewal / Deletion related Emails

      • Domain Name Restoration Emails

    • Emails sent to your Customers:

      • Payment related Emails

      • Refund Request related Emails

      • Bulk Action related Emails

      • Product Addition / Modification / Renewal / Deletion related Emails

      • Domain Name Restoration Emails